Willow Home Learning w/c 6th July

Hello Willow Class! Can you believe that we are now into our final two weeks of home-learning? Thank you all for being motivated and working so hard at home (which we know can be tricky at times!). Below are this week’s suggestions for home-learning.

Year 5s, please leave the tasks highlighted in purple to do when you are in school.

Spelling (Year 5 to complete tasks 1-3 in school)

Grammar (Year 5 to complete in school)

We have already had a look at personification this year so hopefully this activity will jog your memory! Personification is a great tool to use in your writing as it really helps to bring your writing to life.

Writing – Big write Spinner

Open up the Ppt and use the spinner to choose a topic for a Big Write. You will need to open the Ppt as a slide show, spin the wheel and then click on the corresponding number to reveal your Big Write task. What will you write about? It’s all up to chance!


RE – What is Nirvana Day?

Bitesize - KS2 Religion - The Buddha reclining


Have a look at the website page above; read and explore the activities.

Below are some Mandala’s for you to colour in. You might even like to have a go at designing your own.


Please can you all look at Year 5 WhiteRose Summer Week 10. Those year 5s coming into school, please complete day 1 and 2 at home and you’ll do 3 and 4 at school.


Day 1 – Measure with a protractor

TYM5 – p112-115

Day 2 – Drawing lines and angles accurately

TYM5 – p118

Day 3 – Calculating angles on a straight line – Y5s to do at school

TYM5 – p116A

Day 4 – Calculating angles around a point – Y5s to do at school

TYM5 p116 B&C

Day 5 – weekly workout and tables and WhiteRose/Bitesize maths challenge

Weekly workouts


You should be on sheet 6.

Science – Constellations Year 5s to do at school

Watch: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zdspyrd


Read through the website pages about constellations.

Read stories about Casseopia, Orion, Ursa Major.

Select a few dot to dots to complete and work out which constellation it is. Do they look like something else to you? What would your legend be?

Go out on a clear night. What constellations can you see?


Some classes in school have really enjoyed these drawing tutorials. There are quite a number of pictures to choose from and lots of artist tricks to learn. Perhaps, you could make your own booklet with a collection of drawings? Enjoy!

DT – Constellation painting – Year 5s to do at school

You will need black paper, white paint, split pins and cotton. Purple/pink chalk optional.

Splatter white paint on black sugar paper to look like a night sky. When dry, rub purple/pink chalk dust (grated chalk) on the paper with cotton wool pads to look like the milky way.

Finally put in split pins and thread to finish the constellations. See below for an example.

Follow instructions below to make a marshmallow/spaghetti constellation.


If you enjoyed last week’s Oak National Academy lesson on Singing in Harmony, there is another nice singing lesson about emotions and colours. There is some really uplifting/yellow music on there to help lift spirits if you are feeling a little down.


PHSE – Black Lives Matter cont…

Following on from last week’s PHSE, look at the Red Cross’s information (below). Choose one influential figure from history, like Rosa Parks and write an interview with them.  What questions would you ask?


Use the BBC programme featuring Rosa Parks people to answer the questions.


Watch film 3: They have fans, but we have friends.


Use the following questions to chat about the cartoon:

o What did you like about this episode? What was your favourite bit? #

o What did Magnus offer Ellie? [Magnus offered Ellie time to record music in a recording studio.]

o Who was pretending to be Magnus? Why? [Megan pretended to be Magnus so that Selfie would miss the competition.]

Draw Alfie with a big thought bubble. Ask them to write down the things that made Alfie suspicious (not so sure) about Magnus and discuss their answers.

 Talk about what advice they could give to Alfie about what he could do next.

Discuss the importance of telling a trusted adult if they have any suspicions or experience any warning signs that something might not be quite right when they are talking to someone online.


Take a look at the challenges below! You can choose from a spot of tennis, football skills, dance or flexibility training….or have a go at them all!