Willow Class’ Science work starts with a bang!

Earlier in the term Willow Class got to experience an explosive start to their work on forces with a visit to Ministry of Science Live.

It was an exciting and entertaining way to discover lots of different areas of the subject and the class then shared everything they learned in a class assembly. They explained the science behind different types of energy with a demonstration involving a basketball and a tennis ball. However, due to the dangerous nature of some of the experiments we couldn’t recreate them all, but the children had fun describing what everyone could see in the pictures. For their homework that week, they were asked to write a recount about trip which gave them a chance to show just how much they had remembered and we shared a few recounts in the assembly.

They all thoroughly enjoyed the show but also enjoyed sharing their experience with the rest of the school. We found the other classes just a responsive as the children were when they went to the Gordon Craig.