When Willow Met Warburtons

As part of their D&T work, Willow made sandwiches with Warburtons.

As a class, we began our project with a bread tasting. Like all good designers we need to know what is already on the market! All of the children tried a variety of bread types and noted the appearance, taste texture.

In the weeks that followed, the split into groups to complete  a round robin of activites to do with bread, from researching how it's made to planning a party where sandwiches are served. Each week, one group would go into the dining room with Mrs Halliwell to made their own loaf of bread and mid way through the project Warburtons came to visit the class.


They told them all about how bread was made and talk about the role of bread in our diet. Next the children got dressed up in aprons and hair nets to make a healthy sandwich. When Warburtons left, they gave the children a goody bag each to take home. It was great to have visitors in the class and to see the designs the childrne came up with for their own loaves.