Welcome Back!

I hope everyone is looking forward to returning to school next week.

Term starts on Tuesday 3rd September 2013 for all pupils years 1 – 6. The new pupils in reception start on either Monday 9th September or Monday 16th September. They all do mornings only until 1pm for their first week and start full time their second week if they have chosen to stay all day.

We are looking forward to welcoming all our new pupils and families into the school community.

If you have passed school during the holidays you will have seen the compound built by Network Rail on our field. This is to allow them safe access to the railway line for essential work. Their compound is completely safe and they have fenced off the edge of the field as extra protection. In return for this they are putting up a new fence along our boundary line and building us an outdoor classroom!

Work has gone very well over the holidays and I am told they are ahead of schedule! However, the work will be continuing at the start of term and therefore I would ask that everyone takes extra care walking or driving through the school site. There should be no major site traffic at the start and end of the school day.

I hope you have all had a wonderful summer and I look forward to seeing you all next week.

Mary Driver