War Horse Book Reviews

The children in the 5/6 Classes read War Horse by Michael Morpurgo.  They then wrote Book Reviews.  As you will see from their book reviews, the children absolutely loved the story.


Book Review

War Horse by Michael Morpurgo


Joey – who is a young horse – gets separated from his mother and then he lives a life of ups and downs.


The wonderful rollercoaster is set in the 1910s.  The book begins in the beautiful, lush fields in Devon.  Unfortunately he has to leave Devon and move to the thundering bombs of France.

Main Character(s):

The main character is this young horse called Joey.  He is a very interesting character because he is sensitive.  He is sensitive because he worries about all his companions.

Favourite Part:

My favourite part in War Horse is when he is stuck in complete danger.  I like this part because it makes you feel like you are really there.

Rating: 5/5

Recommendation:  I recommend this book to anyone who likes animals or anyone who likes the frightful First World War.  I would also recommend War Horse to any emotional person.

Reviewer:  George


Book Review

War Horse by Michael Morpurgo


A horse called Joey gets separated from his mother at an auction and then works on a farm.  But when World War One starts he has to work on the battlefields.


It starts on a glorious, warm farm where crops grow, sheep graze in the meadow and you can forever hear cows mooing while munching on blades of grass.

Then it moves to the battlefield (No Man’s Land), a deserted mud field with barbed wire in every direction.  Corpses lying everywhere so you have to pick your way carefully through so as not to disturb the dead.

Main Character(s):

A beautiful horse, a red bay, called Joey.  He never gives up because in the battlefield everyone except him and another horse died but he kept going.  Joey thinks of others more than himself and cares for other people.

Favourite Part:

When Joey meets up with someone he loves.

Rating: 5/5

Recommendation:  I recommend it to any animal lovers.

Reviewer:  Annabel


Book Review

War Horse by Michael Morpurgo

War Horse is about a lively young horse called Joey who gets separated from his mother.  He gets taken to a lush, green farm and meets a kind character called Albert.

But then World War One strikes and he gets taken away to war.  What will happen next?

It is set in a beautiful, peaceful farm but it is also set in a war torn battlefield.  What will the contrast of war to the farm do to Joey?

The main characters are Joey (a beautiful red bay horse) who puts vigour and hard work to everything he does.  There is also Albert who is a kind and caring farm boy, he takes care and attention to Joey and looks after him carefully.

Another character featured in the story is called Topthorn, he is a mighty pure black stallion and is Joey’s best friend.

My favourite part of the story is when Joey gets auctioned off in a horse sale and is sold to Albert’s drunk dad.

Rating: 5/5

Recommendation:  I recommend this book to people who have a sense of imagination.  You can really feel what’s going on and you can really see the muddy, unpleasant plains of the battlefield.

Reviewer:  Alina


Book Review

War Horse by Michael Morpurgo


Joey is a beautiful red bay horse who is bought by a farmer at an auction after he is separated from his mother.  He lives on the farm for a long time but then gets sold to the army.  The story follows his experiences in war and how he lives.


This story is set in the dirty, squelchy trenches in World War One as well as two lush farms in Britain and France.  It also takes place in battlefields but starts in a farm in Britain.

Main Character(s):

Joey is a red bay who when young is weak but when he grows up he becomes a strong, fine horse.

Albert is a farm boy who looks after Joey on the farm in Britain.  He is a nice, gentle boy who can soothe and calm Joey.

Emilie is a farm girl who also looks after Joey with her grandfather in France.  She looks after Joey well and always gives him and his friend a warm bed.

Favourite Part:

My favourite part is when Joey gets reunited with someone he adores and loves.  It is an emotional part of the story.

Rating: 5/5

Recommendation:  I would recommend this book to people who like animals and history.

Reviewer:  Srihan


Book Review

War Horse by Michael Morpurgo


Joey gets sold at an auction to a kind and friendly boy called Albert. He lives with Albert on his farm until disaster strikes and Joey is sent off to war.  Will Joey ever get back home alive and see Albert again?


Joey starts off living on the peaceful farm with green fields but is then taken onto the battlefield where every footstep you take is a into a pile of messy, infectious blood.

Main Character(s):

The main character is Joey who is a friendly horse who is loyal to his friends and thinks of others before he has a thought of himself and loathes places where he is exposed to danger.

Favourite Part:

My favourite part is where Joey is reunited with someone ha had always thought about but I wish not to give the game away as I am sure everyone who reads this book will feel emotion rushing through their body from head to toe when they read this part.

Rating: 5/5

Recommendation:  I would highly recommend this to any animal lovers or someone who is interested in wars.

Reviewer:  Andrew