The tadpoles are still with us

Last week we started our work on life cycles and living things. The tadpoles survived the Easter holiday and we have been watching them closely. A few are starting to grow their back legs!

We looked at websites to find out more about frogs:

In our Big Write lesson this week the children wrote a story about the frogs in the video clip on:

The children only saw the first couple of minutes and then had to write their story. We watched the whole clip at the end of the lesson after we had shared our stories.

This week we also  wrote frog poems in groups to go on the wall.

In art and technology the children all made a clay frog last week and they are painted it on Monday.  They should all be varnished soon. The children  learnt how to draw a basic frog by using the hints in ‘I can draw animals’ published by Usborne.

In phonics we have learnt ‘ear’ and ‘air’ so please practise using these sounds to read and spell some words that contain them.

In PE we have started our series of tennis lessons. Developing hand-eye coordination is fundamental for this and many other sports. Practise rolling a ball along the ground to your child. Can they move in line with the ball and trap it on the floor with their hands or with the tennis racket. Can they roll a ball back to you rather than just pushing it? We are learning to hold the tennis racket and balance a ball on the face of the racket and take it for a walk. Hit the ball along the ground and move towards the ball. Try getting them to throw a tennis ball straight up in the air, let it bounce once and  try to catch it. If we have some lovely weather over the weekend, why don’t you get out into the fresh air and try some of these activities!

We have also started Tri-golf and practised how to hold a putter and do a putting shot. The children did some ‘driving’ today, trying to hit the ball up to get it to travel a distance. Gravely driving range can be quite exciting. Get a bucket of balls and get rid or the weeks stress!

There is a letter about our maths work in book bags tonight, with some activities that you can do to help your child. Please take a look.

The new summer term spellings went well today, however some children were unable to use the spellings to write a dictated sentence. They also have to remember that a sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. Look at the back of the spelling book to see how they did!

Next week we are looking at the life cycle of a butterfly.

Enjoy the weekend, make the most of any sunshine and we will see you all on Tuesday.