The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

At William Ransom School, preparations for the Platinum Jubilee started early and we had a whole host of activities for the children to learn about the Queen’s reign and celebrate along with her majesty.

We started off in English lessons, learning all about the Queen, her family, her role and her achievements. Once we had all the information we needed, the children wrote letters to the Queen, thanking her for her long service. They wrote some wonderful letters, which showed the progression in writing through school with Reception writing short postcards and year 5 and 6 writing long and detailed, formal letters. There were some highly entertaining comments and questions; the children were thrilled to receive a reply from the Queen!

Next, came the commemorative plate painting workshops. The children had great fun painting and we are sure you will treasure these keepsakes!

The bunting competition was launched by the William Ransom School SPA; the winning flags all received prizes, which were awarded in assembly and bunting decorated the dining room throughout May and June.

Every class chose a different idea for our display boards, which are dotted around the school: Kennings, portraits, The Queen’s Knickers (from the story), a collaborative picture of Her Majesty, the Queen’s British Rules, the Queen’s silhouette, Reports about the Queen and many more wonderful ideas – do watch The Jubilee Dance 2022 to see them all.

Our Dance Through The Decades was an absolute triumph and we enjoyed watching every year and class dance on the Muga – there was lots of audience participation from the teachers especially for YMCA and Abba songs! These films are on Google Classroom for you to view.

Finally, our Afternoon Tea was a huge success – sandwiches, crisps, fruit, salad and jubilee fairy cakes galore. Some very kind parents came in to prepare all the food and drink and Mrs Wheat and Mrs Davis-Plummer very kindly made party teas up for all the children with allergies and intolerances – that was a complicated logistical feat and they both needed a lay down in a dark room afterwards! It truly was an afternoon to remember and we hope the children will look back on it fondly.