The first week back in Oak class after the half term break

We started the week with retelling holiday news and from what the children wrote, it appears that everyone had an exciting break.  Well done to everyone who returned the holiday homework picture of their house ready for our clay work.

In literacy this week our story this week has been The Three Pigs and the children have tried to rewrite the story using their story map to help. Already they are starting to use some more exciting vocabulary and longer sentences. The children are practising this for their homework. On Thursday the children worked in groups of six to act out the story without an adult narrating for them.

In maths the children are using their addition skills to add coins. They started by sorting the coins from their money boxes on Monday morning and found out that £112.20 had been raised for Samali, our sponsored child in Africa. The children are now working to add the coins to pay for items and a great website to practise these skills can be found on

In PE we have started a new unit of work on basic tennis skills. Make the most of any lovely weather and get out  with a tennis ball and practise ‘drop and catch’. Then throw the ball up, let it bounce once and catch it. Development of good hand eye co-ordination is our objective for this half term. Apparatus skills continue to develop as the wall bars and different arrangements of equipment challenge them and their confidence and skills mature.

In our Understanding of the world we have completed the first process in growing potatoes. We are taking part in the ‘Potato Council’ annual competition. This involves growing two varieties of potato and keeping a diary to record what happens at each stage. The ‘chitting’ process involves the potatoes sitting in a box with the ‘sprouts’ facing upwards for two weeks. This enables the sprouts to harden off prior to planting in the special bags. Our second science lesson of the week enabled the children to explore magnets and learn some new vocabulary. Next week they will use this knowledge to make a magnetic game and play those which we already have in school.

In our artwork the children illustrated different parts of the three Pigs story and painted them ready for display. The children are learning to draw big pictures and keep within the lines when painting. A great effort was made by all, well done.

Thursday morning saw the start of World Book Day activities. We had a fantastic assembly about dance in the theatre and re-enacted the gingerbread man through movement and then a class workshop to re-enact Charlie and the Chocolate factory using movement and drama. The children were all fully engaged and seemed to enjoy the activity.

Friday was St. David’s Day and the children learnt about him. They made daffodils out of clay and coloured in Welsh flags and daffodils.

Next week is very busy once again with Pancake Day on Tuesday, World Book Day and an opportunity to dress up on Thursday for World Book Day and a visit to Letchworth library on the train, planned for Friday morning.