Information from Mrs Driver

Dear Parents   As another academic year draws to a close I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for the support and involvement you have given the school this year.   Those of you who came to Annie! last week will have seen the remarkable talent many of our pupils … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Dear Parents   As we hurtle towards the end of term there are a few things to draw to your attention!   MID-DAY SUPERVISORY ASSISTANT (MSA):We are looking for 2 people to come and join our MSA team in September. It is for 1 hour and 10 minutes every lunchtime and is to engage with … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Just a few things to draw to your attention before the end of term: Please ensure ALL children are in the playground before the bell goes at 8.45am. We have noticed a few running in late. They are the ones who get into trouble yet we know in many cases it is parents’ fault that … Read more

Wow! What an amazing day we had on Saturday!

Wow! What an amazing day we had on Saturday! We were very lucky with the weather on Saturday, the sun came out, and everyone stayed out on the field for most of the day! There are still some expenses to come in but it is looking like we have made in excess of £6500 which … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Dear Parents,   As we start upon the last half term of this academic year, I thought I would remind you of some of the events coming up this term:   Please remember it is the summer fete on Saturday 6th June 11.00am to 4.00pm. We hope that the sun will shine for us as … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Dear Parents, So much has been happening in school recently that I thought I would take this opportunity to update you on a few events. Thank you to everyone who contributed to our collection for the Nepal Earthquake. We raised £554.10 which has been sent off to the Disaster Recovery Fund. Last night I went … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Dear Parents, Welcome back! Hasn’t it been lovely to see some sunshine throughout the holiday? I hope you have all had a lovely time! Hopefully the weather will continue to warm up and we will be able to enjoy a summer term full of all our usual outside activities! There are lots of exciting projects … Read more

Easter Newsletter from Mrs Driver

Dear Parents Suddenly we have reached the end of another term and the Easter holidays are upon us! It has been another exciting term in school with lots of different things happening and all of the children have been involved in a wide range of experiences. There have been an amazing number of different activities … Read more

Important information

Many of you will have heard on the news or read in the newspapers about the shortage of places in Primary Schools across the Country. Hitchin is no exception and over the last few years there has been a steady increase in the number of places needed in Hitchin Primary Schools. You will be aware … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Welcome to Charlotte May Wheat! I am sure that by now you have all heard that Mrs Wheat had a baby girl last Thursday morning, 8th January, weighing 6lbs and 15oz. They are both home from hospital and Mother and baby are doing very well. I am sure you will join me in congratulating Mr … Read more