Information from Mrs Driver

End of termSuddenly we have reached the end of another term and the Easter holidays, if we can call them that, are upon us!It has been another exciting term in school with lots of different things happening and all of the children have been involved in a wide range of experiences. There have been an … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Dear Parents, EasterPlease remember the School is closed on Friday 25th March and Monday 28th March. We are then open for 4 days and then finish for the 2 week break on 1st April.  CleanerWe are still looking for a cleaner to work in school for 2 hours a day, 3.30 – 5.30. If you … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Deputy HeadteacherI am delighted to tell you that following a rigorous recruitment process we have appointed Sian Ayliffe as the new Deputy Headteacher from September 2016. Miss Ayliffe has worked at the school for a number of years and is the ideal person to work alongside me to lead the school into its new era. … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

There are a few dates to remind you about and some changes of dates so please be aware of these: – Friday 18th March is Open Morning where you can come and see the school in action! – Friday 18th March is also The SPA Race Night, watch out for details of this coming out soon! … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Building work Many of you have been asking me about the progress of the building work and I want to assure you that there is lots of work going on behind the scenes! There will be some initial ground works happening over half term and in early March we will see the access roads coming in … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Dear Parents As we creep ever closer to the end of term I thought I would keep you informed about a few details:   The Main School Show – Seven Wonders of the World is next week on 14th, 15th & 16th December at 6.30pm. We have suggested that Key Stage 2 pupils come back to … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

I am delighted to say that Classes 3 & 3/4 have now moved into the new mobiles and are working away there! The classrooms are bigger than they are used to and the children love their new surroundings! We hope to have the reception playground tarmacked over the next few days which may result in … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

At long last the first stages of our building expansion programme are about to start. The first thing we need is a temporary home for the 2 classes in our current mobile classroom. Over half term work will begin on building ‘new’ temporary classrooms! I am assured they will not be as permanent as our … Read more

Open Mornings for 2016 prospective parents

Please find below the open morning dates for children starting Reception in September 2016. 4th November 9.15 – 10.00am 5th November 1.30 – 2.15pm 11th November 1.30 – 2.15pm 12th November 9.15 – 10.00am 18th November 9.15 – 10.00am and 10.45 – 11.30am 24th November 9.15 – 10.00am 25th November 9.15 – 10.00am and 1.30 … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Just a reminder that tomorrow we have our Harvest Festival in school. We would like all the children to bring in a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable. All the produce will be put together in hampers and raffled off and the proceeds will go to the Hitchin Partnership Hardship fund, supporting families in Hitchin. … Read more