We made it to the end!

The end of term is always busy, but this term was even more manic than usual! We have packed up the existing school to allow for major refurbishments to be completed during the summer break. The building work in school is massive; we are extending the hall, getting rid of the IT suite, replacing the … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Dear Parents  As another academic year draws to a close I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for the support and involvement you have given the school this year. It has certainly been an interesting year this year with our building work. This week has been all about the existing … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Baby news!I am sure you will be delighted to hear that Mrs Wheat is expecting a baby in December. We will be advertising for a teacher to cover her maternity leave and as soon as there is any news I will, of course, let you know. I am sure you will join me in congratulating … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

IMPORTANT INFORMATIONPlease note that for the last week of term – week commencing 18th July 2016 there will be NO ordering for school dinners. Over the summer holidays we have to turn off all the power in the kitchen so we have to empty the freezers. In addition to this the last 2 days of … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Lacrosse teamGood Luck to our Lacrosse team who are travelling to Sheffield this weekend to play at the National Finals! This is an incredible achievement for those playing and we are very proud of the team. It will be an exciting event and we will try to keep you up to date with tweets but … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

ANOTHER REMINDERThere has been a change of start date for pupils in year 1 – year 6 in September 2016. In order for the staff to undertake professional development days after the move into our new building, the Autumn Term will start on Wednesday 7th September 2016.  Mrs BrownYou will all remember that Mrs Brown … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

SeptemberThere has been a change of start date for pupils in year 1 – 6 in September 2016. In order for the staff to undertake professional development days after the move into our new building, the Autumn Term will start on Wednesday 7th September 2016. Summer FeteDon’t forget we have our annual summer fete on … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

School JourneyOn Sunday we set off on our annual School Journey with our Year 6 pupils. Once again we are heading to North Wales from Sunday 22nd May – Friday 27th May. Therefore I will not be available in school. If you have any queries during the week, please contact Mrs Brown. Keep an eye … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Mrs BrownYou will all remember that Mrs Brown is retiring at the end of term in July; after 41 years at the school she will be greatly missed by us all. We are starting to arrange various events to celebrate her years at William Ransom, the main one being an Evening Celebration on Friday 1st … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Welcome back! Hasn’t it been lovely to see some sunshine throughout the holiday? I hope you have all had a lovely time! Hopefully the weather will continue to warm up and we will be able to enjoy a summer term full of all our usual outside activities! There are lots of exciting projects planned for … Read more