Information from Mrs Driver

Eventful half termThis has been another eventful half term in the life of William Ransom. Although we have now settled into our new environment there is a still lot going on. We are currently replacing the flooring in the main school and looking at some wall art for different places. However, whilst all this is … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Welcome back and Happy New Year!  2017 looks to be a very busy year for us in school. There are lots of exciting trips and visits being planned as well as some different events in school.  Below this newsletter is a list of known dates so far for this term. Please keep it handy. We … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

We have now reached the end of an exhausting term and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support you have offered this term.  Christmas ProductionThe School performances of ‘What on Earth?’ and The Reception’s ‘A Christmas Tree…t!’ went very well and I am pleased to be able to say … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Christmas ShowsWe are now into the week of our Christmas Shows so I thought I would just re-affirm the arrangements for the evening concerts. The shows start at 6.30pm each evening. KS2 children need to be back in school by 6.00pm and KS1 by 6.20. The show will finish at approximately 8.00pm and all children … Read more

Catching up!

There has been so much happening in school this term it has been hard to keep the website up to date! However, I thought you might like to see the school in action, using all the new facilities and enjoying our wonderful new environment. All of the classes are enjoying having space for a range … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Winter WonderlandWow! What a great day we had on Saturday! Our Winter Wonderland was, yet again, a great success. The weather was kind to us and lots of people turned up to enjoy the wonderful food on offer and all the exciting things for sale! We were especially lucky because Santa took time out from … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Sickness bugsWe are entering the season of sickness bugs! Please remember that if your child is sick or has diarrhoea please ensure you keep them off school for a minimum of 24 hours. This does not mean if they are sick one day, they can return the next. It must be at least 24 hours … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

ExpansionThank you to everyone who came along on Friday 30th to see the changes within school, we were overwhelmed with lots of positive comments. We are almost at the end of the work and if you have walked past school lately you might have seen that turf is now going down and we are gradually … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Come and see our new facilitiesAs I mentioned in my previous newsletter we are opening the school on the 30th September 2016 for parents to come and see our wonderful new facilities. The school will be open from 5.00pm until 8.00pm and there will be staff available to show you around. Some of the Teaching … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Welcome back! And welcome to our wonderful ‘new school!’ We are very excited by all that has happened over the summer and our refurbishment and our new school are amazing. It was always the case that certain areas of the work would not be finished, and this is still the case However, we continue to … Read more