Information from Mrs Driver

Suddenly we have reached the end of another term and the Easter break is upon us!It has been another exciting term in school with lots of different things happening and all of the children have been involved in a wide range of experiences. There have been an amazing number of different activities going on and … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE think about the speed you are driving down Wymondley Road, round into Halsey Drive and then into Stuart Drive. I have had a number of complaints about this and although it is completely out of my jurisdiction, it is an accident waiting to happen and I would hate to think of anyone, … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

This has been another eventful half term in the life of William Ransom. Our roofing works are progressing but they have been hampered by an unusually wet and cold January. Let’s hope the weather starts to warm up soon and their work can be finished by Easter.However, whilst all this is going on it has … Read more

Our Assistant Cook wins HCL Employee of the term!

Vanessa Lemm, our Assistant Cook has been awarded Herts Catering Employee of the term! Vanessa was surprised when Natasha Southwell, our catering manager turned up in school to present her with the award and a bouquet of flowers! Congratulations Vanessa, we think you are a worthy winner!

Information from Mrs Driver

Calendar2018 looks to be a very busy year for us in school. There are lots of exciting trips and visits being planned as well as some different events in school. Below this newsletter is a list of known dates so far for this term. Please keep it handy. We endeavour not to change dates once … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

We have now reached the end of an exhausting term and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support you have offered this term.  Christmas ShowsThe School performances of their various Christmas Shows went very well and I am pleased to be able to say that we raised a total … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Winter WonderlandWow!! What an amazing day we had on Saturday at The Winter Wonderland. It was a wonderful event and thanks must go to everyone who helped in any way. We had people who came along to help set up, there were people who had been beavering away for weeks getting things ready for the … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

New reception childrenIt’s hard to believe we are already 3 weeks into term and most of us can barely remember the summer break!It has been lovely to welcome our 60 new children into reception. I have been in reception most mornings as the children have arrived and it is wonderful to see how quickly they all … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

As another academic year draws to a close I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for the support and involvement you have given the school this year. Once again we have had a very successful year. It has been wonderful to move into our new teaching block and to make … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

TeachersNow that classes have been announced for 2017 – 2018 I am in a position to let you know a few more details.  Miss Hallahan has been appointed to teach Maple Class. She is an experienced teacher, currently working in Luton but living more locally. She is excited to be joining our team and has … Read more