Information from Mrs Driver

We have now reached the end of an exhausting term and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support you have offered this term. The first piece of news I have for you all is that our Ofsted report has been released and I am delighted to tell you that … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Dear Parents, As we creep ever closer to the end of term I thought I would keep you informed about a few details: The Main School Show – Time for Christmas is next week on 15th, 16th & 17th December at 6.30pm. We have suggested that Key Stage 2 pupils come back to school after … Read more

Ofsted inspection

Well, that was an early Christmas present; a surprise visit from Ofsted! We can’t say it was unexpected because it was long overdue, but never the less we hadn’t expected it quite that close to Christmas! We are in a position to be able to tell you that the inspection went well and we are … Read more

Peter Lilley MP visits school

Peter Lilley MP for Hitchin and Harpenden visited school on Friday 21st November to discuss various plans to improve the school building. He came to school at the invitation of Mr Hankin, Chair of Governors and Mrs Driver, to support their on-going discussions with Hertfordshire Local Authority. Mrs Driver and Mr Hankin were keen to … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Thank you for the amazing response to The Winter Wonderland. It looks like we have made around £4000 which is absolutely fantastic and will certainly help support the on-going ICT upgrade across the whole school. We all had a fantastic day and we are very grateful for the support we received from all of you! We have … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

I am delighted to tell you that when Mrs Wheat goes on maternity leave in January her class will be taught by Mrs Lara Mitchell, who is currently our support teacher. Mrs Mitchell joined our team in September and has been a great addition to the teaching staff and is an experienced Year 6 teacher. … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Thank you everyone who has made use of the On-line booking system for Parents Evening. After a few teething troubles it seems to have gone remarkably smoothly. Just to remind everyone Parents Evening is on Wednesday 22nd October from 6.00 until 8.30pm and Thursday 23rd October from 4.00pm until 7.00pm. Class R are starting at … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

Wow!! How lucky were we with the weather on Sunday?! I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who came along and supported our nature day, it was a fantastic day and the amount that was achieved was astonishing! We have created a long path, bordered with wood along the edge and covered … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver – Lunches

I am sure you are all aware that we are now serving a free school lunch to all key stage 1 pupils as well as a paid for meal to the majority of key stage 2 pupils. This has not been the headache for us that it has for other schools because the majority of … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver – Harvest Festival

We would like to have a Harvest Festival at school again this year for the pupils. We will have a celebration in a special assembly and we would like to assemble a selection of hampers/ boxes of produce to raffle. In order to do this we would be very grateful if pupils could bring in … Read more