Travelling To and From William Ransom

During this academic year we would like to raise the profile of sustainable ways to travel to and from school. We recognise that many of you already walk to school and last year we encouraged more children to walk or scoot to school. Research has proved that the children who are active first thing in … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

School Dinners We are extremely lucky at school to have such wonderful kitchen staff working with us. Mrs Matthews and Mrs Lemm, as our school cooks, have been with us for a number of years and they are passionate about delivering high quality food for your children. However, recently we have noticed the numbers of … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

As another academic year draws to a close I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for the support and involvement you have given the school this year.  Once again we have had an amazing year! There have been a number of ‘special event’ days and some fantastic work done in … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

It has been interesting over the last 3 years to see how the school has grown and developed as our numbers have increased. In September 2019, our first 2 form entry year group will reach Key Stage 2 and that means we are creating a new Year 3 class. This will be called Elm and … Read more

Haven’t we been lucky with the weather?

Against all the odds, we woke to glorious sunshine this morning and so it remained all day. Fortunately there was a breeze which kept us all cool but there was still the proverbial cry of ‘Have you put your sun cream on?’ Mr Hankin was our ‘Birthday Boy’ today and the children were eager to … Read more

These boots are made for Walking!

What an eventful day we have had today!  The day started with birthday celebrations – balloons, presents and cards at breakfast along with a beautiful rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ by all of the Year 6 children.  After our hearty breakfasts, we split into two groups.  One group took off to climb a mountain and the … Read more

A Day in Caernarfon

Another amazing day in North Wales! We woke, once again, to glorious sunshine and that stayed with us pretty much all day. There were a few bleary eyes as we made our way down to breakfast but extra helpings of eggs, sausages and bacon and everyone was raring to go. We were to spend the … Read more

Climb Every Mountain!

Those of you who know me, know that I love a good musical, and today was just like The Sound of Music! After a good night’s sleep, the children all woke to their favourite things – a hearty breakfast and the sun shining across the valley. We all got organised for the day and set … Read more

Year 6 School Journey to Wales

They say as you get older time passes quicker, well it certainly seems no time at all since I was last sitting here in Plas Tan y Bwlch with 38 children fast asleep around me. Does that mean I’m getting older? Probably as the thought of climbing Snowdon tomorrow is filling me with dread! Just … Read more

Information from Mrs Driver

School fetePlease keep the fete date – 8th June 2019 – firmly fixed in your mind and watch out for the letters coming out asking for different items. There are rotas up in the reception classrooms and in the office area for you to sign up to help out. This is our major fund raising … Read more