Reception Learning 8.6.20

It was lovely to see some of the children return to school last week. They all settled very quickly and worked really hard. Thank you to all the parents for preparing the children so well.

The learning resources below follow the same format as before. The literacy and math plans show the teaching that will happen in school and explains the follow on work for the days after they have been in school.

Those children not in school, and home educating, follow the plans all the way through.

Children in keyworker pods please dip into the resources as you feel necessary.

Literacy Plan

Literacy Resources: The Man on the Moon Worksheet, Questions about astronauts, What would I take on a rocket? Phonics read and match, Bug Club assessment

Maths Plan

Maths Resources: Tens frame, Even numbers, Odd numbers, Caterpillars, Ladybirds

Please continue to use other times to play, practice sounds and words from your child’s word box and use ideas from the previous topic resources.

Optional Fun challenge: Can your child create a fun, crazy alien? It can be made of anything. It can be a picture, painting, collage or model. Send a photo in to or via the Reception Twitter page @ReceptionWR. We can post them on the website!