Children’s Wellbeing Practitioner Workshops (January-March 2024)

Please see below for details of workshops being offered by the Children’s Wellbeing Practitioner Team, including details of how to book them.

Workshops are open to all young people & parents/carers of children and young people who attend a school or are registered to a GP in Hertfordshire. A referral is not needed to access a workshop.
All workshops are currently being delivered online via Microsoft Teams.

Introduction to the SEND Local Offer Website

Please see below for details of a webinar about the Hertfodshire ‘Local Offer’, which may be of interest.

The Local Offer website lets parents, young people and professionals know what special educational needs and disabilities services are available in Hertfordshire, and who can access them. There is so much more than that, too.

A friendly face from the Local Offer team will take you through what’s on the website and how you can use it to find the right services and support.

The session for Parents and Carers (as well as professionals) is Tuesday 16 January 8pm – 9pm Click here to join the meeting