Specific Learning Difficulties telephone advice line

The Hertfordshire Specific Learning Difficulties Outreach Service will be opening a telephone advice line to answer queries from professionals and parents starting from next week. 

If your child has specific difficulties relating to reading and writing and/or maths, diagnosed or undiagnosed, and you would like advice during this school closure, please see the flier below containing further details.

Understanding ADHD and Autism Online Course

Please find below details of 4 (identical) courses entitled ‘Understanding ADHD and Autism’. These 6-week courses for parents and carers always sell out incredibly quickly, so if you are interested, you would need to register immediately.

Priority will be given to parents in the nominated districts, with Stevenage being our district. However, with the course being run via Zoom, if you cannot get onto the Stevenage course, or if the timing of one of the other courses is more appropriate, it would still be worth trying to get on an alternative one.

Activity Track

What a fantastic idea, sent in by a parent! If you have the space, this is a lovely way to keep the children active, and they get to choose what to include on the track.

Online Resilience Course for Parents

Please find below a letter received today about an Online Resilience Course being offered to parents of children aged 9 and above. It starts tomorrow, so please get registered as soon as possible if you are interested.

Dear parents,

The charity, Bounce Forward are holding regular sessions for parents to build vital skills to help their children be more resilient during this uncertain time. Each hour-long session will be hosted by Lucy Bailey – Chief Executive Officer & Co-founder of Bounce Forward, with the content based on the science of resilience.  

Session Topics
Session 1: Introduction to resilient parenting 
Session 2: Optimism during uncertainty
Session 3: Developing mental muscle 
Session 4: Compassionate communication 
Session 5: Mindsets and energy
Session 6: Parenting to strengths
The first session is free, with the next ones priced at a nominal fee of £2 to support the charity.


Details: 10am to 11am – Friday 3rd April 2020
              10am to 11am – Monday 6th April 2020

Lord David Triesman – Trustee, “As a parent myself, I know that this is a particularly difficult time for parents and that many are worried about the impact that school closures and social isolation could have on the wellbeing of not only their children but the whole family. But it’s how we react that matters most. As a society, we need to build vital skills and develop the critical factors which make someone resilient and helps them thrive during this new world/lockdown period.”  

About Bounce Forward
Bounce Forward is a national charity that delivers inspiring and practical training programmes to support young people to reach their full potential in life. The charity believes that teaching resilience skills should sit alongside academic lessons and have spent 13 years working directly with schools and delivering research to evidence what they do.

Core principles

Resilience is not just about overcoming setbacks; it’s also about making the most of opportunities

We base our approach and training on solid research, theory and evidence

We teach skills and strategies that work in the real world

The adults matter: their role is vital in helping children and young people be resilient and thrive

‘My Main Worries’ sheet

A parent has kindly informed me that the sheet below, available free on Twinkl, was really helpful in identifying what is on her children’s minds. Although the ‘instructions’ on it refer to an anxiety rating sheet, the more generic worry questions on that particular sheet may not relate to the children’s worries at this time, as things are so different at the moment. You can just use this sheet equally effectively on its own.

More Advice for Homeschooling

Whilst I am very aware that parents are being bombarded with more ‘things to use at home’ than they can possibly use, I am nonetheless attaching the most recent advice I have been sent.

There are useful tips in here for many children, but there is specific advice on SENSORY REGULATION which I feel will be really helpful to some children.

EP Contactline

In these challenging times, the Educational Psychology (EP) Service is trying to ensure that people are getting the support they need.

The ‘contact line’ is a dedicated telephone number, manned by the EP service who will, if necessary, be able to signpost you to someone who can offer more specific advice and support.

This contact line is available Monday-Friday between 2:00-4:30pm via 01992 588574.

Autism Advice Line

Please see the message below, received from the Communication and Autism Team. This will be a difficult time for many children with ASD, or suspected ASD.

“To support children with communication and autism needs and their families during this unsettled period, the Specialist Advisory Teachers will be extending the hours of our telephone advice line from Monday 23rd March until the schools reopen.

It will be open daily between 10am and 2pm (term time) to provide advice and guidance for parents and carers. If you wish to speak to a Specialist Advisory Teacher please call 01442 453920 during these times.”