RE in Year 4

In Year 4 we focus on Sikhism and Christianity in RE. Autumn term saw the children learning about the origins of Sikhism, Guru Nanak and the main beliefs as well as where they worship. As part of looking at gurdwaras, we talk about the langar and what happens there, and more importantly what this practise … Read more

Who is our school named after?

This half term in History, Year 3 have enjoyed investigating who William Ransom was! The children worked together with teachers to collate information from a range of sources and began to create fact files about Ransom’s life. Mrs Driver spoke to Jane Ransom, who shared her knowledge, which we added to the information we had … Read more

Year 5 Mash Club

On Tuesday lunchtimes, some of our Year fives have been participating in ‘Mash Club’ – a computing club with an E-Safety and coding focus. They began by exploring ‘Interland’, an adventure-packed online game that puts the key lessons of digital citizenship and safety into hands-on practice. They reviewed some of the games to share with … Read more

Buddy Story Time

As the weather becomes nicer and we move into Summer Term in April, the children will spend their lunchtime on the field with the rest of the school. For lots of children this is super exciting and they enjoy the freedoms playing on the field gives. For a few, however, leaving the safety of our … Read more

Cute creatures competition!

The Eco Club were very impressed with all the wonderful creatures children across the school made by recycling egg boxes, toilet roll tubes and all sorts of other materials. You were very creative and it was a hard job deciding the winners. In the end, we had to get Mrs MacKilligan to help us choose. … Read more

Wix Cup Champions!

Yesterday was cup final day and the girls were very excited all day. We had a brief team meeting at lunch time, whilst sorting out kit and it was very clear the girls were keen to do their best. Before the match we received an inspirational, virtual team talk from Mr Vincent, who was unfortunately … Read more