PE and Sport Premium

Sport at William Ransom 2021-2022 PE and Sport at William Ransom 2021-2022 has been a very mixed year for sport at William Ransom. We have done our best to get back to clubs as usual but unfortunately a couple COVID outbreaks did have an impact on our overall provision. However, we were able to get … Read more

Film Club 2022

Film Club has been running at William Ransom since 2018/19 but the programme it is part of has been going since 1995 when cinema reached 100 years old. Le Cinema, cent ans de jeunesse (CCAJ) stands for Cinema, 100 years of youth and it is a project that brings children together from all over the … Read more

Y4 Pizza Packaging

Year 4’s final unit in Design and Technology this year has been looking at food packaging – in particular pizza boxes. We first started by looking at premade boxes and what information they had on them. We spoke about what shapes they were and what material they were made out of. We also mentioned about … Read more

Year 3 Meet The Parents

It was lovely to see so many parents this morning. We hope you found the information useful. For those who would like to see the presentation again, and for those parents who were unable to attend, please find the PowerPoint below.

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

At William Ransom School, preparations for the Platinum Jubilee started early and we had a whole host of activities for the children to learn about the Queen’s reign and celebrate along with her majesty. We started off in English lessons, learning all about the Queen, her family, her role and her achievements. Once we had … Read more

Music Concert 2022

There are many talented musicians at William Ransom and we are pleased to share with you some of their favourite pieces.   From Year 3 onwards we offer a range of music tuition including violin, guitar, recorder, and trumpet.  Congratulations to the following children who performed in this short showcase:  Year 3 Alice , Charlotte, Chloe , Luke , Narjis , Olivia , Sam , … Read more

Jobs, wonderful jobs!

We have kicked off the summer term learning about all kinds of different jobs. Over the last week or so our focus has been on jobs in the community that help us and in particular we have been looking at healthcare workers. Lots of our activities around the classroom during Discover & Do have been … Read more

Airbus Discovery Centre

To support our recent science topic, Year 5 had a fantastic day at the Airbus Discovery Centre in Stevenage. The children had their curiosity peaked all day as they moved through the talks and creative activities about Mars and our Solar System. Seeing where the Mars Rover is tested in a simulated environment proved to … Read more