Autumn vibes in Reception

We have had a thoroughly productive week in Reception during Discover & Do. The children have enjoyed linking their learning to topics and stories discussed in class, including autumn, hedgehogs, and numbers 1, 2, 3. They have enjoyed art activities linked to Yayoi Kusama and today were introduced to the work of American artist Alma … Read more

Year 5 Science – Circus Skills workshop

As part of our Science topic on forces, year 5 were lucky enough to take part in a fantastic Circus Skills workshop, led by Shooting Stars instructor, Nick. Children first watched a fun and entertaining demonstration, where they discovered how certain forces play a vital role in a variety of circus skills. They were then … Read more

Year 6 Festival of Languages

We were so happy to welcome back parent visitors for this year’s Festival of Languages. It’s always one of our favourite days and the children had a great time. We are very lucky to have such a wide range of cultures at William Ransom and it’s wonderful to have a special day to celebrate and … Read more

Harvest Week of Discover & Do

It’s been a busy week of learning during the children’s independent learning time. Some areas were left completely child-led while other areas of the classrooms had some enhancements to support the learning we are doing in group activities and carpet time. Below is a selection of photos of some of the things the children got … Read more

Year 5’s Festival of Languages day.

Year 5 had a fantastic day for our Festival of Languages. We were lucky enough to have three brilliant Mums come in to share their cultures with us and we learnt lots about India, South Africa and Spain. Thank you so much to you all! We immersed ourselves in these cultures; we danced, learnt some … Read more

Festival of Languages in Reception!

What a fabulous and diverse day we have had in Reception celebrating European Day of Languages, which is officially marked on September 26th. The children had two visitors this morning. We were first joined by Mrs Martinelli, who taught the children some Italian. I think they were all surprised to know they already knew two … Read more

Mrs Driver’s 40 years celebration

In assembly today, the children surprised Mrs Driver by stopping her talk about school rules. It was amusing to see Mrs Driver’s consternation at being interrupted during her important talk. Year 5 and 6 children stood up and, one by one, started counting to 40. Once they got to about 30, we suspect Mrs Driver … Read more

Useful Documents for Parents

The National Curriculum for English: Accessit online catalogue for fiction and non-fiction!dashboard Top 100 books by Year Group:

Bringing up Confident Children (ADHD/ASD) Course

Family Lives are delivering online parenting groups, funded by Herts County Council, in the Autumn term for parents/carers. Bringing Up Confident Children for Parents of Children with ADHD/ASD – Online (6 weeks) Thursday 15th September to 20th Oct, 9.30 – 11.30 Tuesday 4th October to 15th November, 9.30-11.30 Tues 8th November to 13th December 7.30pm – … Read more