Quicksticks and Quidditch

Year 4 have enjoyed a variety of PE lessons so far this year. They kicked off the autumn term with football and gymnastics and then after half term they moved on to netball and badminton. The start of spring term saw them dancing their way to half term and getting familiar with the rules of … Read more

Year 5 formal debating

As part of their topic on using persuasive language, both year 5 classes prepared for, and engaged in, inter-class debates, with the motions being chosen by them. We made sure that the topics chosen were contentious enough to provide a comprehensive choice of for and against arguments, and went about brainstorming and refining the best … Read more

William Ransom Annual Pancake Race!

The latest House event was the Pancake Race. One girl and one boy from each House was chosen by the Captains to represent their House.  They then raced with their pancakes in a relay; they had to flip their pancakes at each corner of the track.  Mars team was the quickest but Neptune had the … Read more

Rowan tag rugby tournament

This half term, Year 5 have been learning about tag rugby in PE. Mrs. Herbert has taken both Y5 classes for tag rugby and Ms Rowley-Jones has complemented this brilliantly with teaching both classes a Haka routine in dance. Both classes have worked extremely hard at learning both! Rowan class have finished their unit with … Read more

Our Christmas Reading Champions

Well done to all the families who managed to complete the 12 Challenges of Christmas. We were absolutely astounded at how many certificates we gave out in Keystage 1 and 2 assemblies this week. We hope you all enjoyed taking part. Here are photos of some of our Christmas reading champions and a couple of … Read more

Finger Puppet fun in Hazel class!

Puppets are our topic in Design and Technology this term. We have looked at various types of puppets and had fun exploring and playing with them. This week we had a go at making our own finger puppets. The children were given a template to colour and cut out. They then had to join the … Read more

Year 5 DT Project – Automata Toys.

Year 5 have been busy in the past few weeks, designing, making and evaluating moving toys, using a cam mechanism. Their brief was to make a moving toy depicting an endangered animal, that the World Wildlife Fund could sell to raise funds. They considered its sturdiness, visual appeal, and safety for small children. We firstly … Read more

Just Talk Week – Year 6

Have you ever shouted or snapped at someone because you were feeling upset or worried? Just Talk Week’s theme for 2022 is to ‘Look beneath the surface’, to be patient with others, as we can’t always know the challenges that someone may be facing. Year 6 focussed on kindness and wellbeing as well as learning … Read more

World Cup Slip Up!

On Friday 18th November, Year 6 (along with the rest of the school) were involved in a very exciting day of writing. Some children from Eco Club were out litter picking, when they found the World Cup! They reported this to Mrs Driver straight away and we had an emergency assembly, with a visit from … Read more