Reception Home Learning 27.4.20

It’s week 2 of the Summer term and we hope you are all doing ok. The work outlined below is for you to look through and do what you can when you can. There are lots of ideas on here to hopefully suit everyone in every situation so please look through and choose according to … Read more

Understanding ADHD and Autism Online Course

Please find below details of 4 (identical) courses entitled ‘Understanding ADHD and Autism’. These 6-week courses for parents and carers always sell out incredibly quickly, so if you are interested, you would need to register immediately. Priority will be given to parents in the nominated districts, with Stevenage being our district. However, with the course … Read more

Summer Term

We hope you all had a good Easter break, taken time to have a rest and are looking forward to starting another week of learning! You already have work for the next two weeks, from the original timetable given before the holidays (this is attached again at the bottom of this post). Keep trying to … Read more

Year 3 Home Learning – Summer Week 1

We hope that you have had a lovely Easter break and enjoyed the sunshine! As we start back for the Summer Term, we have put together a number of activities for the children to have a go at. We understand that many of you are also working from home so please do not feel under … Read more

Brighter Days Wraparound Care

Brighter days will be opening their bookings for the Autumn Term 2020 at midday on Monday April 20th 2020. This will allow all current parents and new parents to William Ransom the same opportunity to book places for their children. In light of the current situation, there is a slight change to the booking system; … Read more

Welcome to William Ransom

Today many people will be hearing which Primary School they have got for their children as Primary Admissions are announced. If you have been allocated William Ransom, welcome to our school community. Clearly we are living through challenging times and at the moment we do not know when the schools will be reopening. Please bear … Read more

Wishing a Happy Easter to Year 3!

Well, we made it to the end of term – and you made it to the end of week 2 of home learning! We hope that you are in a position to enjoy two weeks off from home learning and really enjoy some family time without the added pressure of schoolwork. It’s important to relax … Read more

Transition to homeschooling

Please see below some useful advice that has been sent out to support parents with managing the transition to homeschooling. Of course, not all points will be relevant to all learners, but it is worth scrolling through to see if there are any ideas that would be useful to you.