Reception Home Learning 18.5.20

Another week has gone by and it is still great to see and hear what you have all been getting up to, either via Twitter or email. We will soon be posting a selection of the photos you have sent us over the past few weeks! Please just keep doing what you can and remember … Read more

Bank Holiday Friday? That’s something different!

I thought I would write to you a day early this week as it is Bank Holiday tomorrow and whilst for many of you it won’t look very different, for some it will be a chance to enjoy the sunshine and perhaps have your own VE Day celebrations. I have been sent some photographs of … Read more

Willow Class- Home Learning Week 4

Please find below some suggested home learning tasks for w/c 11.5.20. Please don’t feel that you need to print everything out. Most (if not all) of the activities can be completed in exercise books (no need to copy out questions – just write down the answers). Spelling Summer Week 4 spellings are more common exception … Read more

Year 3 Home Learning – Summer Week 3

Please find below Maths and English activities for you to complete, as well as some ideas for foundation subjects to choose from. As Friday is a Bank Holiday there is no Maths lesson set for Friday and we would encourage you to take the day off from Home Learning and perhaps try some of the … Read more

Home Learning Summer Week 3

Dear Parents and Children, Thank you so much for all of the wonderful emails, poems, stories and photos of your activities that we have received this week.  It is really lovely to hear from you and to know that you are all safe and well.  It’s really good for us to see what you have … Read more