Year 3 Home Learning – Summer Week 7

We’ve seen some more fantastic work this week and we are so proud of how you are all doing, keep up the good work! Please aim to do some daily Maths and English/other foundation work. As usual, you can contact us on email or via twitter @Year3WR for any support or clarification that you need. … Read more

Reception Learning From June 1st

From Monday 1st June things will be looking quite different regarding how Reception children will be learning. Some are continuing to remain at home , some remain in their keyworker group in school, some are returning to their Reception class on a Monday and Tuesday and others are returning on a Wednesday or Thursday. Whichever … Read more

Beech Home Learning Photos

Dear Beech Class, Thank you to all of you who’ve already written to me. I’m beginning to get more and more emails from you which is wonderful. It’s been great to see your work but more importantly I’ve enjoyed hearing about what you’ve been up to and how you are doing. I am saving the … Read more

Year 3 Home Learning – Summer Week 6

We hope you had a relaxing half term break and enjoyed the sunshine! Please continue to try to do some daily Maths and English/other foundation work (remember any reading/written work can count as English if you are short on time.) As usual, you can contact us on email or via twitter @Year3WR for any support … Read more

Willow Home Learning – Summer Week 6

Can you believe that we’re at the start of another half-term of home-learning?  Hopefully, you’ve all had a relaxing break and managed to make the most of the amazing sunshine and fresh air; lots of BBQs and bike rides perhaps?  We’re certainly missing being with Willow Class in school but we are so pleased and … Read more

Home Learning Photos

We hope that you are all having a happy and restful half term in the sunshine. Thank you again for all the wonderful photos of your home learning. We are enjoying seeing all the creative approaches to the work we have set and we think that each and every one of you is doing a … Read more

Happy Half Term!

A massive well done to everyone for getting this far! We have created a little gallery to show some of the things Reception children have been getting up to over these past weeks. Remember the important thing in all this is to stay safe, happy and well. We will continue to post online learning resources … Read more

Year 3 Home Learning – Summer Week 5

And so we (almost) made it to the end of another half term. It’s been wonderful to hear from lots of you by email and twitter and see what you’ve been up to. Please continue to aim to do some daily Maths and English and whatever foundation work you have time for. Remember, English work … Read more

Willow Home Learning – Summer week 5

Please find below some suggested home learning tasks for w/c 18.5.20.  Spelling Revision: Have a look at the spellings from previous weeks (listed below) and make a list of words that you found tricky to remember how to spell.  Spellings:  recent, remember, separate, special, strength, suppose, though, thought, various, women, material, minute, naughty, occasion, opposite, … Read more