Reception 9.7.21

This week we enjoyed eating the potatoes we had grown and harvested. We boiled them up and tried the two varieties; the Organic Bamboo and Casablanca! We spent the week learning all about elephants and Oak class created some amazing pictures!

A Fun Day Out!

As Winnie The Pooh says “We didn’t realise we were making memories, we were just having fun.” That’s exactly what the Year Ones were doing yesterday at Aldenham Country Park! We had an amazing day out exploring Hundred Aker Wood, doing lots of fun activities and finishing off with a trip to the farm to … Read more

Year 6 School Journey

Year 6 School Journey to Kingswood – by Margot and Georgie On Wednesday 28 June, the Year 6’s set off on a coach to Kingswood (a residential centre). Sadly, we weren’t able to go to Wales this year due to Covid regulations but we all had a great time in Norfolk. Day 1: On arrival, … Read more

Year 6 visit to Kingswood

Year 6 School Journey – by Faith and Rowan.  Year 6 School Journey Despite missing the opportunity of going to Wales like previous years, due to the coronavirus pandemic, we had to alter our plans – yet we still had a fabulous experience at Kingswood Norfolk. Day 1 On the 28th of June 2021 all … Read more

Reception 2.7.21

The children finally got to harvest the potatoes we have been growing. It was great fun foraging for them! Now, I wonder how we are going to eat them? Lots of fun was had in the space role play this week and children enjoyed creating aliens in a range of different media.

Busy Hazel Class!

We’ve had such a busy week in Hazel class and have made the most of the glorious, sunny weather. We planted basil seeds in science and will be watching and recording our observations of the seeds over the coming weeks. On Wednesday morning the children took part in activities organised by Rising Stars and had … Read more

Life’s a beach in Reception!

Oak and Ash had a break from space and spent the afternoon at the beach! We talked about the kinds of things you could see and do there and spent the afternoon trying them things out. They sunbathed, fished in ‘rock pools’ made sand castles and flags, made seagulls, studied shell and fossils, put on … Read more

What a week in Reception!

Oak and Ash class have had lots of great experiences this week. For their ‘Well-Being’ day they had the opportunity to be super active and have fun with Rising Stars. There was an inflatable pirate ship slide, a bouncy castle, archery and full size hungry hippos!! Later in the week the children had a virtual … Read more