Year 5 Trip to Bhaktivedanta Manor

Rowan and Willow class recently had the opportunity to visit the Hare Krishna temple, Bhaktivedanta Manor, as part of our RE unit on Hinduism. We had a wonderful day touring the beautiful gardens, feeding the cows that are cared for on the site, dressing up, visiting the shrine, dancing, listening to stories, and having a … Read more

Personality swirls

Rowan and Willow class have created these colourful swirls to represent parts of their personality and their uniqueness. We think that they are wonderful and we have certainly enjoyed learning more about the children in our class.

Moving Through Autumn

Year 4 have a made an active start to autumn term with the variety of sports on offer. Over the term they will be developing their skills in tennis, hockey, lacrosse and dance and learning new vocabulary as they move on in the subject. PE also gives them the chance to incorporate our values in … Read more

Mini Marathon in Year 2!

Year 2 had great fun last week, completing the mini marathon. Altogether we completed 154.6 miles. This was a fantastic achievement. The children took their counters round with them and got a hole punched after each lap. This helped them to keep an accurate score. They didn’t stop running or walking even when they got … Read more

Harvest Festival

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Harvest Festival on 29th September. We had an amazing array of fresh fruit and vegetables which provided the showcase for our assembly. We had a great discussion about where much of the produce came from and I was really impressed with the people who, according to their … Read more