Feeling Good Week

Feeling Good Week really did make us all feel good. There was a huge focus on our mental wellbeing this year. Here you will see some photos of children with their First Aid certificates, the worry dolls the children created and the Phase session on building resilience. We also had lots of discussion on health … Read more

From the Wonka gates to Walliams

Year 4 have had some exciting English work to do this term. It all started with James and the Giant Peach and is finishing with Mr Stink. Whilst they may be familiar with other books by Roald Dahl and David Walliams, for most it was their first time reading and listening to these particular titles. … Read more

A fabulous week ending with Pudsey

The children in Reception have had a fabulous week of learning. It’s been amazing to see their number skills really develop by learning the different ways to make 4. It’s also been fantastic to see lots of writing going on during Discover & Do. The children are really beginning to transfer the skills being taught … Read more

Another Halloween Success…

Due to the positive feedback we received last year it was a no-brainer for us to run the Pumpkin Trail again, and it turned out to be another Halloween Success. We want to say ‘thank you‘ to all the families that displayed a poster in their window. Without your help, this event wouldn’t be possible. … Read more

Y6 dissect owl pellets!

We were lucky enough to be joined by a science teacher from HGS in Year 6 last week, to help us with our learning on ‘Living Things and Their Habitats’. We created a food web for a barn owl to show what it may eat or be eaten by! We also looked at a taxidermy … Read more

A week of celebrations!

The children have had a fantastic week of learning. There has been so much creativity using Diwali and Bonfire Night to inspire us. Lots of the children have also been getting outdoors and helping to look after our area; it’s lovely that the colder weather hasn’t put them off!

Happy Half Term Everyone!

It’s hard to believe that the children have been in for half a term already! They have spent the time getting to know the routines and structure in Reception and we have all been getting to know each other. Please see our newsletter for information about we have been up to this week and what … Read more

Awesome Axes

Elm and Maple class have been learning all about life in the Stone Age. We discovered that Stone Age people were very clever and made lots of tools out of stone and wood. In our Art lessons, we have been studying 3D modelling using a range of media, including clay and papier maché. We decided … Read more