World Book Day in Year 3

Year 3 had a brilliant time celebrating world book day yesterday. We virtually met Sarah Oliver, an author and created some ideas for our own book based on her story, Pollyanne. We designed front covers and blurbs for our stories! We loved dressing up as our favourite book characters and discussing why we had chosen … Read more

Wonderful World Book Day!

At William Ransom reading is a major part of every day and we strive to ensure all children read for enjoyment. World Book Day just gives us another chance to celebrate the wonderful world of books and reading and that we did on Thursday. We spent the whole day sharing stories and talking about books … Read more

Year 6 Science

Continuing our topic of ‘Evolution and Inheritance’, Year 6 had another visit from the Science team at HGS recently to test the theory that animals adapt to their environment and that certain traits or behaviours may be inherited. We used maggots to try to prove this, although you could try the same at home in … Read more

Year 3’s prehistoric trip to Celtic Harmony

Year 3 travelled back in time on Monday to visit Celtic Harmony camp where they experienced life in the prehistoric period from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Inside the Chieftain’s roundhouse, our guide Weylin showed us how to start a fire without using matches. Then they had the opportunity to learn many prehistoric … Read more

Week ending 11.2.22

And just like that we have completed another half term. The children have been busy this week continuing their learning about Lunar New Year, tigers, the Big Bird Watch and much more! It’s wonderful that we get to experience so many different things in Reception and watch the children so focussed in all they do. … Read more

Moving Toys – Year 5

In our recent DT unit, Year 5 were set the task to design an automated toy for a client. The brief was to raise awareness of endangered animals by creating a toy that would be eye-catching and also appeal to children. The children had a great time researching their animals before learning how to make … Read more