Specific Learning Difficulties telephone advice line

The Hertfordshire Specific Learning Difficulties Outreach Service will be opening a telephone advice line to answer queries from professionals and parents starting from next week.  If your child has specific difficulties relating to reading and writing and/or maths, diagnosed or undiagnosed, and you would like advice during this school closure, please see the flier below … Read more

Categories SEN

Understanding ADHD and Autism Online Course

Please find below details of 4 (identical) courses entitled ‘Understanding ADHD and Autism’. These 6-week courses for parents and carers always sell out incredibly quickly, so if you are interested, you would need to register immediately. Priority will be given to parents in the nominated districts, with Stevenage being our district. However, with the course … Read more

Activity Track

What a fantastic idea, sent in by a parent! If you have the space, this is a lovely way to keep the children active, and they get to choose what to include on the track.

Categories SEN

Online Resilience Course for Parents

Please find below a letter received today about an Online Resilience Course being offered to parents of children aged 9 and above. It starts tomorrow, so please get registered as soon as possible if you are interested. Dear parents, The charity, Bounce Forward are holding regular sessions for parents to build vital skills to help … Read more

Categories SEN

‘My Main Worries’ sheet

A parent has kindly informed me that the sheet below, available free on Twinkl, was really helpful in identifying what is on her children’s minds. Although the ‘instructions’ on it refer to an anxiety rating sheet, the more generic worry questions on that particular sheet may not relate to the children’s worries at this time, … Read more

Categories SEN

More Advice for Homeschooling

Whilst I am very aware that parents are being bombarded with more ‘things to use at home’ than they can possibly use, I am nonetheless attaching the most recent advice I have been sent. There are useful tips in here for many children, but there is specific advice on SENSORY REGULATION which I feel will … Read more

Categories SEN

EP Contactline

In these challenging times, the Educational Psychology (EP) Service is trying to ensure that people are getting the support they need. The ‘contact line’ is a dedicated telephone number, manned by the EP service who will, if necessary, be able to signpost you to someone who can offer more specific advice and support. This contact … Read more

Categories SEN

Transition to homeschooling

Please see below some useful advice that has been sent out to support parents with managing the transition to homeschooling. Of course, not all points will be relevant to all learners, but it is worth scrolling through to see if there are any ideas that would be useful to you.

Autism Advice Line

Please see the message below, received from the Communication and Autism Team. This will be a difficult time for many children with ASD, or suspected ASD. “To support children with communication and autism needs and their families during this unsettled period, the Specialist Advisory Teachers will be extending the hours of our telephone advice line … Read more