Subtraction – it’s not hard enough!

This week Willow Class has been looking at subtraction by decomposition and decided that the work was just not hard enough! So we made two random 15- digit numbers into a subtraction sum to try and challenge ourselves. The children rose to the challenge and solved the sum in groups. This was then followed up … Read more

Bread Rolls ‘Prove’ a Success

Today was bread day in Willow Class as they each made a bread roll of their creation – one savoury and one sweet. The class investigated current brands and flavours of bread and then developed their own ideas. They created a brand for their company and a name for their bread. Choosing what to add … Read more

‘Facetime a Farmer’

As part of our DT unit on bread, Willow Class today Facetimed a Farmer. Our farmer is called Neil and runs an arable farm called Strathore in Kirkcaldy, Scotland. When we skyped him, he was sitting in his tractor cab (which he called his office) in the middle of his biggest field. He toured around, … Read more

Beautiful batik art from Willow Class

We have thoroughly enjoyed the 'Art Days' in Willow Class this week.  We were given Sun Street in Hitchin to recreate the buildings in the style of Austrian artist Friedrich Hundertwasser using various mediums. The children really embraced this style as Hundertwasser liked to use bright colours and interesting design features such as hidden faces and lollipop trees. … Read more

Hip Hop Hooray! – Willow Rap Stars

This week Willow wrote and performed their own raps in the style of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Having been inspired by their incredibly cool teacher rapping along to her childhood favourite programme (how old is she??), Willow Class performed their own raps. The children tried to tell a story as they rapped, like … Read more

Good deeds for ActionAid UK

Over the Easter break, the children in Willow Class were busy raising money to support our sponsored child in Nepal through ActionAid.  The children aimed to raise at least £1 each by giving their ‘time’ to do jobs and to help others in return for sponsorship.  The list was impressive:  holding cake sales, vacuuming, sorting … Read more

Willow explores Mars

Willow Class had a fantastic trip to the Airbus Discovery Space Centre in Stevenage today! First we heard about the Mars Rover project and how they have built and tested the prototypes in Stevenage. The first rover was called Briget and the last two were Bruno and Bryan. The rover which will be launched into … Read more

Glue Guns at the Ready!

Today was DT day in Willow Class and we explored the rainforests of the world to create amazing junk bugs. The children relished the challenge of making insects out of junk! All those bits and bobs thrown in the junk drawer, lying at the bottom of the tool box. Well today – that was our treasure! … Read more

Glue Guns at the Ready!

Today was DT day in Willow Class and we explored the rainforests of the world to create amazing junk bugs. The children relished the challenge of making insects out of junk! All those bits and bobs thrown in the junk drawer, lying at the bottom of the tool box. Well today – that was our treasure! … Read more