Our Music Concert

We had the most wonderful time listening to our fantastic musicians this term. We had performances from Year 2 to Year 6 from the recorders, violins, guitars and trumpets.

School skipping days

After the Easter holidays, the whole school took part in professional skipping sessions in their classes. This looked to teach all children how to do the basic skip, learn different skipping skills, increase fitness, learn some skipping games and work on their mental well being through physical activity. The children (and many adults) fully threw … Read more

British Science Week 2021

It’s British Science Week! The theme this year is ‘Innovating for the Future’ and the children will be thinking about what homes will be like in the future. We’ve all been spending far more time at home than usual and using more technology than ever before. So how could this change in another 10, 20 … Read more

Welcome 2021 Assembly

Mrs Driver wants to welcome everyone to 2021 in her assembly. This would normally be shared with the whole school in class but as so many of you are home learning, we thought this was the best way to share it! Look out for future assemblies!

The William Ransom Orbit – Spring 2020

The Orbit team have been busy writing articles for the Spring edition of the Orbit. As many children will not be at school for the next few weeks we have decided to upload it to the website instead of sending out a printed issue this term.We hope you enjoy reading it!Don’t forget to enter the … Read more

The Animal Experience

As part of Science Week we were very lucky to be visited by Kayleigh from The Animal Experience. The whole school were introduced to a diverse range of animals and some classes got to meet them close up!