Another fabulous Hawthorne Schools’ Project!

Year 5 children had the most wonderful time getting to know the patients and staff at the Garden House Hospice this term. Each visit gave them a new and exciting experience. The first visit included some ‘getting to know you activities’, a tour of the hospice including the garden, the wards, the day centre and … Read more

Year 5 Viking Day

Yesterday, Year 5 were lucky enough to take part in a whole day dedicated to our learning about Vikings! We had an amazing teacher, ‘Irik the Viking’, to teach us lots about many different elements of Viking life. He started with lots of interesting information regarding the Vikings first coming to Britain and the history … Read more

Circus Science!

Years 3 and 5 have been learning all about forces in Science this term and today had the opportunity to see forces in action in a Circus Skills show. Nick from Shooting Stars demonstrated his amazing juggling skills and explained how different types of force are needed on different pieces of juggling equipment: pushes, pulls, … Read more

Design & Technology

Our unit of work in Design & Technology this term started with exploring which fruits and vegetables grow in the UK. We then discussed ‘seasonality’ and knowing when different fruits and vegetables are naturally ripe and ready to eat. Through lots of discussion, we worked out together why seasonal foods are better for us and … Read more

Year 5 School Council Hustings

Year 5 have been discussing the importance of British Values, and how we can be mindful of these at school and in our everyday lives. As such, both classes recently appointed their School council representatives, who were democratically elected. Each class held a hustings, where candidates put forward their pledges to improve school life, in … Read more

Hindu Temple Visit

Last week, Year 5 went on an amazing trip to the Bhaktivedanta Manor Temple near Watford. Carrying on our learning about Hinduism, we spent the day immersed in Hindu culture; we learnt about prayers, songs and rituals, all within the incredible temple and its grounds. Donated by George Harrison (of the Beatles) back in the … Read more