Spring Week 1 – Art

Pattern and Line – Henri Rousseau Jungle Start by Googling paintings by Henri Rousseau. Can you identify key features of the pictures? We are going to be using Rousseau because it lets us use and practise lots of different art skills. Use the prompt cards in the Power Point (slide 8) and look at the … Read more

Spring Week 1 – History

Nurturing nurses: Florence Nightingale, Edith Cavell and Mary Seacole. Do you know what the word significant means? It can imply someone of importance. Who is important to you? It could be Mum/Dad, family members etc, dance teachers, school teachers, doctors etc. Read through the Power Point below and then record in your books someone significant … Read more

Exercise books for Home Learning

Exercise books for the children who are not coming into school will be in the foyer from today. The foyer will be open during school hours but please note you will not be able to enter the school building at any time. Stay safe everyone! Mrs Tite, Miss Corcoran and Mr Maranian

Year 2 Home Learning

Here are some extra ideas of things you can do for Home Learning. This is all extra work and is only for times when you are looking for something else to do. You are not expected to complete this work. • Read everyday – Bug Club has lots of books for you to read and … Read more

Spring Week 1 – Science

Happy New Year to you all! Here is your Science lesson for Wednesday 6th January. Our Topic for this half term is Materials. Please read through the Power Point – can you spot any items in your home that are made from the materials mentioned? Then complete the materials worksheet.

Christmas Fun in Pine!

We have had an extremely fun time in Pine. We enjoyed watching the Panto yesterday and today we decorated biscuits. We also had a great time playing with our toys and watching a Christmas film. Alf the elf has been very naughty this week and today we saw him starting his journey back to the … Read more

Christmas Party in Cedar class!

Cedar class enjoyed a Christmas party this afternoon! They made sandwiches, decorated Christmas biscuits and made place mats in the morning and then enjoyed party games and party food in the afternoon. The party games included Pass the Parcel, musical statues, Kim’s game and Guess Who. Everyone had a great time and it was a … Read more

Prayer Mats in Cedar class

In RE Cedar class have been learning about signs and symbols in different religions. They spent some time looking at Muslim signs and symbols. The children learned about visiting a Mosque and then had a go at designing and painting their own prayer mats. We looked at some example designs and noted the beautiful colours … Read more