Rolling into the week!

Year 2 have had an amazing time in gymnastics this half term! They have all been learning how to complete a rolls safely and accurately. Over the last couple of weeks, we have been learning how to forward roll. There are a lot of steps to think about and this skill has taken lots of … Read more

Story Mapping in Year 2

We have had an exciting week this week in English. We have been reading a new story called The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch. This is a funny and interesting story about some naughty seagulls. To help us learn the story we have had a go at story mapping. This is where we use pictures to help … Read more

PE in Year 2

We had a nice brisk start to the day today! We all ventured outside for a benchball tournament. We practised finding space and passing and moving!

Tally Charts in Year 2

This week in Maths we have started looking at tally charts. At the end of our lesson today, the children decided what they would like to investigate and then created their own tally charts. They had a lot of fun doing this and we were able to find out key information such as; the most … Read more


Today we were icebergs in dance. The children worked in groups to create shapes and movements, in time to the music.

We’re going on a material hunt!

Year 2s have been learning all about materials. Last week we looked around the classroom for different materials and discussed their uses. This week we went exploring outside! The children worked in groups and hunted around the school grounds looking for lots of different materials. They found lots of different things made by the same … Read more

PE in Year 2

Year 2 have combined the skills of Netball and Benchball this half term. They are now very confident on the court and have played lots of competitive matches between the classes.

Mini Marathon in Year 2!

Year 2 had great fun last week, completing the mini marathon. Altogether we completed 154.6 miles. This was a fantastic achievement. The children took their counters round with them and got a hole punched after each lap. This helped them to keep an accurate score. They didn’t stop running or walking even when they got … Read more

Welcome to Year 2!

To all children joining Year 2 in September, we are very excited to meet you and to have a great year together. There is a presentation here about some of the things you need to know, ready for Year 2. There is also some extra information in the notes section. Don’t worry if there is … Read more