Dragon stories!

In Year 2, we have reading The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch. The children have been hard at work creating their own stories involving a dragon and this week they had the opportunity to perform their stories to their classmates. It’s always nice to give the children an opportunity to share their work with … Read more

World Book Day in Pine

We have had a fun day today dressing up as some of our favourite characters and sharing our favourite books with each other. We also wrote all about our books and made some personalised bookmarks to help us keep track of the exciting stories we are reading.

Year 2 Theatre Trip

We had an amazing morning on Tuesday, as we ventured over to the Gordon Craig Theatre in Stevenage. We set off on the coach at 9:30 and made it there with plenty of time to get comfortable in our seats before the show began. We were very happy to be there nice and early because … Read more

Henri Rousseau Inspired Art

We have been looking at the work of Henri Rousseau this term in Pine. We have looked at his style of painting and had a go at recreating his most famous work. We decided we wanted to put our own spin on things and so we created our masterpieces using a mix of mediums. Wen … Read more

Teamwork in Pine

Last half term we were doing some basic orienteering in PE and as part of this the children were challenged to work as a team to create a picture. On this occasion they were using their own bodies to create a picture of a dragon.

Christmas shows

Well it’s been quite a week in Year 2. This week, along with the two Year 1 classes, we had two performances of our Christmas production which we performed on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday evening. We have been putting these performances together and practising them for a number of weeks and all the class teachers … Read more

William Ransom’s 50th birthday celebrations.

It’s not everyday you get to go on bouncy castles and eat cake in class but that’s exactly what we did in Pine and Cedar class last week to celebrate the school’s 50th birthday. In between lessons, we also got the chance to play a few games of Musical Chairs and we even had a … Read more

Festival of Languages

Cedar and Pine class had a lovely day last week where we were lucky enough to have some visitors to talk to us about some different countries. Spain, Italy, France, Germany and Egypt were among some of the countries we learned a bit more about. In Cedar class, we are now able to say hello … Read more