The Artist Day

After sketching houses, a lady shopping and wind swept, a man walking a dog and children cheering at school, pupils created their own artwork. Here are the pupils painging their work and being careful to paint the road a pale colour and the sky grey…like Lowry did.

Snow Day!

Hello Class 2 I hope everyone is enjoying the snow but if you are getting cold and fed up with it now why not draw me a picture of what you can see from your window or write me a story about being out in the snow. Mrs Brown

Paper Planes

It was more difficult than we thought! We realised that we had to fold the paper into a special shape to allow the plane to glide through the air. We found that when we put a paper clip under the plane, it went further.We had great fun and made a lot of noise! Tonight we … Read more

Christmas Production – Norway

As part of the Christmas Production, The Missing Present, each class was responsible for presenting an aspect of Christmas from their chosen country. As is always the case, some of links were a little tenuous, but nonetheless, all were great fun. We hope to be able to make the photographs available to you in the … Read more

Christmas Production – China

As part of the Christmas Production, The Missing Present, each class was responsible for presenting an aspect of Christmas from their chosen country. As is always the case, some of links were a little tenuous, but nonetheless, all were great fun. We hope to be able to make the photographs available to you in the … Read more

Jewish Workshop

Pupils learnt about Sabbath and the Jewish family customs.Scarlett was able to recite a Jewish pray to the class.All pupils made a Jewish candle and Challah, which they throughly enjoyed.

Fire Safety Talk

Pupils in Class 1/2 have been learning about the Great Fire of London and have throughly enjoyed researching this historical event.Pupils were able to try on the fireman uniform, thanks to Mr Morey and the local firemen crew.Pupils then went outside and had a go with using the hose…the field was completely soaked!After this amazing … Read more

Diwali Assembly

To share the special story of Diwali, pupils performed the story to the entire school.This story shows that good wins over evil. Ram and Sita returned from the jungle and Ravan the monster was defeated.In many houses, divas are lit to remember this festival of lights.

The Great Fire of London

Thomas played ‘Thomas Farriner’ the baker who had a bakery on Pudding Lane. Carys was the maid who worked at the bakery and forgot to put out the oven. Matisse played ‘Charles I’ and was not too worried about the fire when it first happened.Joseph W was busy writing down what happened in his diary, … Read more