The Chicks Arrive!

When Miss Khela arrived in Class 1/2 this morning, three chicks had hatched out over the night. Two chicks looked healthy and moved into a larger cage. The oldest is Bob and he has a dark brown mark on his head. The second is Marley, who is of equal size with a slightly lighter brown … Read more

Science Plant Experiment

Pupils in Class 1/2 have planned a scientific investigation to find out how plants grow best. We used four sunflower seeds in equal sized plant pots to conduct a fair test. Plant A was provided with water, light and soil. Plant B was provided with light and soil only. Plant C was provided with light … Read more

Class 2 go back in time to The Crimean War

Class 2 visited Florence Nightingale Museum in London to support their history work on Famous People. They ‘met’ Florence Nightingale and she told all the children about her life during the Crimean War. Once they had all wandered round the museum some children had the opportunity to dress up in Victorian costumes. Everyone had a … Read more

KS1 Activity Day

Pupils in key stage one had the opportunity to learn and develop key skills from the school’s playground leaders. The playground leaders organised lots of different activities and worked within their groups to demonstrate the activities to the key stage one pupils.

The Eggs Have Arrived!

Class 1/2 are looking after 4 Welsummer Bantam eggs. They learnt about the key parts of an egg, from yolk, inner and outer membrane, anchor, air space and egg white. We are counting down the days until the eggs hatch!

Great news in science work!

The green sprouting broccoli seeds we planted on April 30th have grown after five days!We had a great surprise when we came to school after the Bank holiday weekend.


Pupils developed their measuring skills by measuring the capacity of different containers. They had to order the different amounts to work out the greatest and smallest amount a container could each hold.


Class 2 have been learning about wolves. They wrote an information sheet for Class 3 pupils to read when they visited our class.We all really enjoyed sharing and learning and hope that Class 3 now know more about wolves.

Red Nose Day!

Class 2 really enjoyed wearing red noses and dressing in weekend clothes.They raised £31 for people who are not as fortunate as themselves.