Class 2 visit St Mary’s Church

Class 2 were lucky enough to have a lovely sunny day for their walk to St Mary’s Church today. We all enjoyed the fresh air, not to mention the biscuit when we arrived! Reverend Roden was there to meet us and told the children all about the church. At first the children had a look … Read more

Reading Plays

To help with writing plays for puppet shows, each group in Class 2 are reading through a play. Each playing a different character in a story.

Mill Green Museum

Class 1/2 went back in time to learn about how the water powered mill works. They examined the different types of wheel motion and how it operates. Pupils discussed the ingredients required to make bread and made their own bread to take home. Class 1/2 also had a chance to explore different items that people … Read more

Mosque role-play

Today Class Two took part in a role-play about visiting a Mosque, when their classroom was turned into a prayer hall. The children had to take off their shoes and wash their hands and face before entering the prayer hall. The girls covered their heads with a scarf and the boys wore hats, which were … Read more

KS1 Activity Day

All of KS1 explored the school field. They were required to find out about what sparrows eat, find a beech nut, find a cobweb and an acorn, as well as make a bark rubbing. Class 1/2 had lots of fun learning about their autumn environment.

Class 2 at Hatfield House

Class 2 recently went to Hatfield House. We learnt all about the history of the house and how Henry VIII bought it for his children to live in. We had a tour of the garden and met a minstrel, the children’s governess and King Henry himself.