Class 1/2’s Great Fire!

After a long half term, we finally made it to the last week. We have been looking forward to this week but there was still a lot of work to do. In maths we continued working on our addition and subtraction, using resources to help us. In Literacy we have continued to use information books … Read more

Our Activity Day

It’s been another busy week in class 1/2 this week and we ended it with an excellent activity day. In Literacy we have been looking at information texts all about sharks. We have also read some fun stories about sharks and we were very lucky to find a narrated cartoon of one of these stories. … Read more

Let’s get ready for our Activity day

We have a Key Stage One Activity day on Friday and it would be very much appreciated if we could have some volunteers to come in and help run the activities. We will have a session in the morning and another one after lunch. If you are available to help with either session please return … Read more

Festival of Languages

This week started with a chance to learn lots about different countries and cultures. It was our Festival of Languages and we managed to visit many countries. In the morning we learnt all about Turkey. We tried some Turkish food and wore some belly dancing costumes. We then took a trip to France and learnt … Read more

What have we been doing in class 1/2

After hearing all about Group two’s summer adventures in show and tell, Group one started us off thinking about Harvest. We had a look at some fruit and vegetables, books about Harvest and some very impressive combine harvesters. In Maths we have had lots of practise using 100 squares to help us with our adding … Read more

Our wonderful patterns

Class 2 have had fun 'taking their pencil for a walk' to create wonderful patterns. They used pastels to colour in really carefully. Everyone thought the patterns were really colourful.

Our science work

For our science work we walked around the school grounds looking for signs of autumn. During each season we will look for the changes and record them in our books. Here are some photographs of what we found.