The vehicles we made in Design and Technology

In our Design and Technology work we had to design and make a vehicle that had an axle and wheels. Everyone enjoyed doing this work and we used lots of skills we had learnt, like measuring accurately, in maths. We had to saw carefully when making the axlw rods and then take care when using … Read more

Our science work

In science we walked around the school grounds looking for signs of winter. The trees stood tall and bare, we saw our evergreen holly bush and we saw birds pecking for food on our field.

Our science investigation work

For our science investigation work, we were sorting objects into two groups. Those that were 'Dead' and those that were 'Never Alive!' It was quite difficult to make decisions about some of the objects and we were surprised that some had been alive, but were now dead- a wooden bookcase, paper,cotton.

Science work about animals

In our science work we are learning about animals. Harrison's mum brought in his 5 week old baby sister, Ivy, and we saw how small she was. We asked sensilble questions and learned lots about what babies need. In July, Ivy will come back to visit us and we can see how she has changed.

Class 2 puppet shows!

At last Class 2 have finished making their puppets and writing the scripts for their shows. Today each group performed to the rest of the class. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the plays and we laughed a lot! This photo shows the wedding.

Class 2 have made their puppets!

Having made their puppets, Class 2 now have to write a script for their puppet shows. Their performances will take place this week. We need to think of lots of ideas for our shows! We are really looking forward to performing!

Class 2’s Assembly about Guy Fawkes

Class 2 performed an informative assembly about Guy Fawkes today. They told us about the gunpowder plot, how to stay safe on Bonfire Night and shared some of their fireworks art work with the rest of the school.