Busy start to the term in Pine

We have had a very busy return to school in Pine but we have had a lot of fun so far and are looking forward to the rest of the term. When we came back to school, we all had lots of exciting news, photos and posters, to share with the class. We then made … Read more

Class 2 recorder assembly

Class 2 have been learning how to play the recorder this term and performed an assembly for parents to show them their progress.  Below watch Class 2 perform a few warm up exercises before the main performance.

In D & T we have designed and made vehicles

In D & T we have designed and made a vehicle that has an axle and wheels. We had to use a bench hook and hacksaw to saw the dowelling to make the axle, to attach wheels to. Here we are testing to see which vehicle would travel the furthest. Everyone was very excited about the … Read more

Class 2 visit Mill Green Museum

As we have been studying the life of Tudors in our history work, w visited Mill Green Museum. The two ladies who met us when we arrived were dressed in clothes of the Tudor times. We really enjoyed making butter and Tussie Mussies.We also had a competition about describing Tudor artefacts and each team scored … Read more

Signs of spring

On our way to look for signs of spring on the field, we saw the digger preparing the ground for our new building. As we walked we saw lots of flowering plants. As it was a cold day we didn't see many flying insects.

Class 2s visit to the Florence Nightingale Museum

Class 2 had a very interesting day on Tuesday 15th March visiting the Florence Nightingale Museum near St. Thomas's Hospital in London. When we arrived we had our lunch in a park by the River Thames, over looking the Houses of Parliament. When we arrived at the museum, we were met by an excellent actress … Read more

World Book Week

We have enjoyed World Book Week and reading and talking about all sorts of books. Today we concentrated on Magic and Mystery and dressed as characters from the Harry Potter stories. Mrs Brown was Madam Hooch the Quiditch Teacher and she tried to teach us to 'fly' in our P.E lesson. ( We did move … Read more

Living things in science

We have been learning about the needs of living things in science and the school value of patience. We have watered our hyacinth bulb and have waited patiently for it to grow. Yippee! Here it is at last. It smells loveley

The Great Fire of London

The autumn term was an extremely exciting time in class 1/2. As part of our History work we were learning about The Great Fire of London. This provided us with a lot of fun lessons, where everyone became experts about the fire. We had a visit from the fire service and at the end of … Read more