Cedar’s outdoor adventures!

Cedar Class had a wonderful time exploring different outdoor activities, requiring them to use different problem solving and group work skills.  The children worked through different activities, completing pair and group work. One activity took away the children's sight with them working to guide their blindfolded partner through a cone maze. The children carefully came … Read more

Our trip to St Mary’s Church!

Cedar Class went on a very chilly walk down to St Mary's Church. We have been learning all about Christianity. We have learnt about the church as well as all the different features you could expect to find in a church. We took a trip down to St Mary's Church to go and see all … Read more

Pine Visit Amey Zoo

We were extremely lucky and had a visit from Amey Zoo. We got to learn a lot about many different animals and we even got to touch them!

A Visit from Amey Zoo

We have been learning all about different animals and their habitats this half term. We started off with a walk to the nature area where we saw the different minibeasts we can find in our school grounds. We used magnifying glasses to have a closer look at what we found. Last Wednesday, we were lucky enough to have a … Read more

Great Fire of William Ransom

We have been building up to this day for a long time now, with a lot of work going into making our houses and learning all about the Great Fire of London. It has been a very busy day for Pine class and the pinnacle came as we set out our houses ready for the … Read more

Cedar Class’ Firework Display!

Cedar Class have been so excited all week about Firework Night! In class we have been discussing and learning all about Guy Fawkes. The children have learnt a lot about who he was and why he is remembered every year. This afternoon the children practised their cutting skills, creating exciting lines from a cardboard tube to form … Read more

An Autumn Walk

For our science work today we were working outside looking for signs of Autumn. It was exciting to find lots of evidence on the ground-leaves, seeds and their cases, toadstools, berries and dead twigs. We enjoyed walking through the dead leaves and listening to their crunching sound.