Cedar Class invade Mountfitchet Castle!

Cedar Class went to Mountfitchet Castle with Holly Class at the start of this half term.  The children were exceptionally behaved throughout a long coach journey there and were relieved when they were finally allowed to explore.  The learnt all about the different sections of the castle and listened carefully to the information given to … Read more

Pine Assembly

Pine performed their assembly today and here it is for you to enjoy. The children worked very hard and Mr Maranian is incredibly proud of all of them. They are amazing!

Materials Workshop

We had a very exciting visit, where we were able to learn all about materials. This gave us the chance to explore different materials and their properties. We worked through an activity booklet and carried out our own investigation. We had a lot of fun and learnt a lot that will help us in our … Read more

Cedar’s Minibeast Hunt!

Cedar Class took a trip out to the nature area to hunt for minibeasts!  We have been learning all about animals and their habitats. We decided to venture into the nature area to see what minibeasts we could find. We looked under rocks and leaves, lifted logs and even had a look in the Bug … Read more

Trip to Mill Green Museum

We were very lucky to have an extremely fun school trip yesterday. We visited Mill Green Museum and spent the day completing lots of activities. In the morning we continued our learning about The Great Fire of London and got to experience items from the times and explored fire fighting equipment from then and now. … Read more


We had a lot of fun getting on the train to Stevenage to visit the Gordon Craig Theatre, where we watched the Gruffalo!

Activity Day

We had a lot of fun during the Key Stage 1 activity day. We had a chance to try; orienteering, indoor athletics, dance and speed stacking. 

Our trip to the British Schools Museum

The children in Cedar Class took a trip to the British Schools Museum. We have been learning about the Victorians and wanted to experience what life would be like in a real Victorian School! Everyone came dressed up in traditional Victorian wear for the day, with the girls wearing long skirts and pinafores and the boys … Read more

Money madness!

Cedar Class have all made an excellent mathematical start to the year. They have been keen to show off their number knowledge and times tables. We have spent some time looking at addition and subtraction and moved this onto money. The children have worked hard making an amount using different coins, looking at using a … Read more

A baby comes to visit!

In our Science lessons we have been looking at animals, including humans. We have been learning all about different animals, where they live and what they need to survive. Last week, we were very lucky to have a six-week old baby come in to visit us. The children had all written their questions down and … Read more