Cedar Class’ assembly song

Have a listen to Cedar Class' amazing singing from their assembly. Cedar Class did an assembly all about their memories from Key Stage 1. They thought about funny memories and sad ones. Some children also spoke about the things they are looking forward to as they move on to Key Stage 2.  Finally, they learnt … Read more

Online Safety!

All classes in school have been learning about the need to stay safe when using the internet.  Year 2 talked about what they used the internet for. They like to play games on their tablets, look up interesting facts and even practise their spellings on apps such as Squeebles.  We discussed the importance of staying safe online, … Read more

Hitchin Girls’ School Sports Leaders come in to teach us PE

Pine and Cedar Class have been extremely lucky this half term as they have had Sports Leaders from Hitchin Girls’ School come to work with them in PE.  All children learnt about different sports from their two sports leaders. They took part in football, hockey, dance and netball activities. Some lessons were extremely cold but … Read more

Week 5 in Year 2

Week 5 in Year 2 has been a fun one. We have enjoyed dance, football and indoor athletics in PE.  We have continued to use bar modelling and become more independent. We used it to find number binds to 20 and also to 1000. in English we worked on using conjunctions to add detail to … Read more

Week 4 in Year 2

Wow this has been a busy week in Year 2! We have finally managed to complete all letters in our joined up handwriting books and we have even practised some tricky joins! We haven’t given the usual homework sheet today so the children can spend a bit of time just working on their joins. As … Read more

Week 2 and 3 in Year 2

Year 2 have had a busy past two weeks! They’ve all made excellent progress with learning their joined-up handwriting, completing their homework carefully and being very focussed during handwriting practise. Both classes went to explore the local area. They created their own maps, plotting on key features as they walked. All of the children were … Read more

Year 2 Homework

Year 2 have made a good start with homework and have had lots to get through. If you are unsure about any homework received, please ask Miss Vivian or Mr Maranian.  The children should be completing the following homework: – reading every night to an adult, with questions (please write the date and title into their … Read more

A great start to Year 2!

It’s been a busy first week in Year 2. We have made a great start on joined up handwriting and will be continuing this next week. The children will have sheets each evening to complete, which will support them with this. Both classes have also made a great start in their Maths work and in … Read more