World Book Day in Year 2

We have had a great day in Year 2, with some fabulous costumes! The children have shared their books and made us all excited to read them for ourselves! They then showed off their knowledge by taking on a World Book Day quiz, which was won by Mars! We have also had to carry on … Read more

Inter-house Kick Rounders⚽️

A tense inter-house tournament has been taking place in PE! Each house has been battling to score the most rounders. The children have fielded and kicked well. There have been some amazing catches and great tactical play!

Scooterbility ?

Year 2s had a great afternoon outside yesterday learning how to be safe on their scooters! They learnt all about the importance of using their brake and not just jumping off the scooter. They thought about all the potential things they might meet on a path when scooting such as people and animals. The children … Read more

St Mary’s Church

Pine had an amazing time learning all about the church’s history and its most important features. We also learnt a lot about Christianity. Chris the Vicar and Warwick gave us lots to think about so we are very grateful to them and also to the parents who helped with the trip.  

Learning how to paint like Rousseau

Year 2 have were introduced to their artist for this term, Henri Rousseau. After learning all about his life, we started to look closely at his artwork. After studying his work and thinking carefully about the different shapes he creates, we then learnt about creating a wash. The children then all had a go at … Read more

Year 2 Dance

Year 2 have had a great few weeks learning all about explorative dance! We started off by learning what a dance story is and trying to remember all the techniques and terms we learnt last term! The stimulus for the dance stories was shells. We talked about all the different types and all the different … Read more

Dance by Chance

All of Year 2 have spent time this half term learning about different dance movements. We have looked at how our body can move, the different levels we can use as well we how we can compose a dance using a dice! The children worked well in groups to generate a routine and choreograph following … Read more

Fraction work in Maths

The children have spent lots of time this term learning all about fractions. We have looked at colouring in fractions of objects, identifying what a half and quarter look like in different shapes as well as using bar modelling to find a fraction of an amount.