Glove Puppets in Pine

We have started designing and making our glove puppets in D&T this term. This is a tricky process with lots of cutting and sewing to be done.

Home Learning Update

As we are getting closer to the end of term we thought we would refocus the learning for the children as we are aware lots of you will be at different points. Below is a timetable for the final four weeks of term, starting from Monday 22nd June. Each day there will be an English … Read more

Home Learning from 8th June

We hope you are all still enjoying your home learning. We are very much aware that you may be at very different stages and if you are still working through previous work, that is absolutely fine. You still have the links in previous posts for extra ideas on work and there are the links to … Read more

Home Learning: Summer Term 2

Welcome back to all of our children and parents! We hope you had a relaxing week and enjoyed the sunshine! Hopefully, you all found the previous update to our class page before the holidays. There was plenty of work uploaded there so you should still have lots to be getting on with. We have noticed … Read more

Home Learning

As some of you have come to the end of your current home learning work, here is some more for you to work through. Please remember that there is no expectation for you to be finishing all of this and any home learning is just a suggestion. When carrying out home learning, do not feel … Read more

Summer Term

We hope you all had a good Easter break, taken time to have a rest and are looking forward to starting another week of learning! You already have work for the next two weeks, from the original timetable given before the holidays (this is attached again at the bottom of this post). Keep trying to … Read more

Some Tricky Fractions

Some of the children have seen some of these fractions before but they can have a go at them anyway. They can use their bar models to try to figure out the answers .

Interactive Links

Here are some interactive links you could also use with your child if you are looking for additional tasks. Once the pdf is open, click on the task you’d like to do and you will be taken straight to the relevant page and activity. Follow the link below to view the pdf:

Year 2 Twitter

A Year 2 Twitter page has been created to be used whilst the school is closed. It can be found by following the link below. Please use this page as another form of contact with any queries about the Home Learning Tasks. It would be great to see photos of the children completing any tasks … Read more