Running for Compassion

Beech Class ran 500m for Compassion this week. In order to raise some money to help Samali and Joel, the two children the school sponsors through Compassion UK, Beech class did a sponsored run on the field. Five lengths of the track didn't seem such a tall order when we talked about it in class, … Read more

Watching chocolate melt!

Beech Class wanted to see how a solid reacts to temperature in science this week, so we melted chocolate! The experiment aimed to find out what temperature melted chocolate the fastest. No surprises that floating tins with pieces of chocolate on icy water yielded no change! The chocolate had not reached its melting point. However, in … Read more

Silence in Class…for Compassion UK

On Tuesday, Maple class completed their sponsored silence in aid of Compassion UK.  The whole class (teachers included) had to communicate using only whiteboards or hand gestures for 30 minutes.  It was really quite a challenge but everyone enjoyed it and some even wanted to carry on when the countdown clock got to zero!  We … Read more

Gas has mass!

What could possibly go wrong? 26 children, 18 bottles of fizzy drink and the aim of the science experiment to shake out the bubbles! Well actually  – nothing! Beech class was investigating which are the fizziest drinks by seeing if carbon dioxide weighs anything. The results were really surprising as gas does indeed have mass! The … Read more


This week, we decided to do some singing and dancing after our PE lesson was cut short due to the rain.  Chestnut Class learnt the song and dance so quickly and impressed Mrs Hall so much that we decided to film it in the next French lesson.  Enjoy the video.

Ordering ice creams in French

After a few lessons learning how to order food in cafes and restaurants in France and a lesson learning the different flavours of ice cream available, the children in Cherry Class were given 5 minutes without any help, to make up a conversation ordering ice creams. Enjoy one of the short clips.

French Poem

Willow Class learnt a poem all about seasons in French.  They then used dictionaries to adapt the poem by using different animals and locations for each verse of their poem.  Each pair then learnt to recite their poem.  Here is one version with the rest of the class joining in with some actions.

Looking closely at flowers

As part of our science unit on plants, Maple class have been learning about the different parts of a flower and the jobs that they do.  Working in pairs, they carefully dissected a flower and then (referring to a diagram) were set the task of identifying each part. There was a lot of new (not to … Read more

Ash class put on a show!

The end of the Spring term in Reception was jam-packed with activities as usual! I hope all of the children have been enjoying their Easter break and are ready for another busy term! They certainly needed a break after all the hard work (and fun) at the end of the Spring term. In Ash class, … Read more