William Ransom Race for Life!

Yesterday, the School Council members and Orbit team organised the very first William Ransom Race for Life event, and it was a roaring success! We were keen to hold a Race for Life event to raise money for Cancer Research UK, in memory of Tracy Ryan, a well-loved pupil, parent and governor of the school. … Read more

Maple Class at the Fitzwilliam Museum

Today, Maple class visited the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge to support both their History and Art learning.  We started the day with a very interesting talk from the museum teacher who introduced the Ancient Egyptian galleries to the children.  She was most impressed with how much the children already knew! We then had the opportunity to … Read more

Magnificent Mountains in Maple Class

Maple Class have been learning all about mountains in Geography this term.   They have found out how mountain ranges are made and also about the physical features of mountains. To link to their knowledge of continents, the class have also learned the names of the highest mountain peaks found in each continent along with some … Read more

Pizza Perfect!

Today Beech Class received a pizza making master class at Pizza Express in Hitchin. The 27 strong class donned their chef's hats and aprons to firstly stretch their dough into a larger circle ready for the tin. It is harder than it looks! You have to gently knead and entice the springy dough, taking care … Read more

Pizza, Pizza, Get Your Pitta Pizza Here!

Not content with making their own pitta pizzas, Beech Class also made the pizza boxes! With the expert help of Pizziola Bassindale (Chef!) all of the children made their own delicious pitta pizzas. A variety of toppings were used; from pineapple, pepperoni, mushroom, peppers, ham, sweetcorn and cheese. The children ate very well that evening. The … Read more

Secondary Transition for Year 6

Today, PHASE visited William Ransom to conduct a workshop with our year six pupils. The aim was to prepare them for their upcoming transition to secondary school. On Thursday we had a workshop with PHASE. They are a group who work with young people in Hitchin. They work on lots of different things and today … Read more

Beech class trip to Affinity Water

Gale force winds, unseasonably low June (ha ha) temperatures and horizontal driving rain did not stop Beech class having a great and educational day at Affinity Water in Bushey. Before we set out in the elements to pond dip and hunt for mini-beasts, we learned about how much water we use in the UK. We … Read more

Reception visit Shepreth!

To finish off our topic on minibeasts, Reception visited Shepreth to find some (not so mini) minibeasts! We also enjoyed seeing lots of other animals but the bats and the tiger seemed a firm favourite!