Maple visit to Celtic Harmony

On Tuesday 26th September Maple class visited Celtic Harmony for a Stone Age experience day. We learnt lots about how the Stone Age people lived. We took part in four main activities; building a shelter, trading, hunting and gathering and learning about Stone Age weapons. First we got into groups to build a shelter. We … Read more

Cherry and Chestnut Class visit IWM Duxford

On Friday 29th September, Cherry and Chestnut Class visited IWM Duxford as part of their history work on 'Britain Since 1930'. We had a great day learning all about life for people during World War Two from the Battle of Britain, to The Blitz, to The D-Day Landings. There was so much for us to … Read more

Money madness!

Cedar Class have all made an excellent mathematical start to the year. They have been keen to show off their number knowledge and times tables. We have spent some time looking at addition and subtraction and moved this onto money. The children have worked hard making an amount using different coins, looking at using a … Read more

A baby comes to visit!

In our Science lessons we have been looking at animals, including humans. We have been learning all about different animals, where they live and what they need to survive. Last week, we were very lucky to have a six-week old baby come in to visit us. The children had all written their questions down and … Read more

Willow’s Wonderful World

The annual William Ransom Festival of Languages was enjoyed by Willow Class as they travelled the world and learned lots of new languages and facts. From the Punjab to Spain, via Italy, South Africa and Serbia – what a day! The class danced, sang and a favourite…ate lots of yummy food. The children found out … Read more

Welcome to the new Reception children!!

It has been great to finally have all of the new Reception children in class this week.The children have settled well to new routines and we have been pleasantly surprised with how calmly the children have been coming in every day. There may be more tears next week when they all begin to do full days and … Read more

Science – Down to Earth!

Today Willow class was trying to defy gravity and make a parachute which could harness air resistance and fall to earth the slowly. Each group made three parachutes, changing just one variable to test the affect of air resistance. The variables were: different materials, different size canopies, different weighted objects, different lengths of string and different … Read more

Welcome to our first group of reception children

Welcome to our new children who started reception at William Ransom in Oak and Ash class this week. The children have settled really nicely and have been playing well together and settling to the routines of play times and lunch times. During adult initiated activities they have been working hard to try and write their … Read more

Blast Off!

We enjoyed counting backwards in maths from 20 to 0. Our challenge was to complete the missing numbers on a section of rocket individually then find children with the same coloured pieces to build a rocket that counted down from 20 to 0. Great counting and teamwork!